About / FAQs
JazzAndRain.com is a simple app that lets you listen to the sounds of rain while relaxing to jazz music.
Jazz and rain is great for:
Increase focus
Help with sleep
Blocking outside distractions
Relaxation and stress relief
Check Server Status of Websites
For support of older devices, please visit Jazz and Rain Basic
Why is the title/artist name missing from the song?
The music shared on the site is supposed to come with the Title and Artist information. If it's missing, that means the person who updated it to our music provider hadn't provided us with that information. Feel free to leave a message on our Facebook page, and we'll try to find it for you.
Why doesn't the Jazz play?
The Jazz music takes longer to load than the rest of the page. If it doesn't load even after 5-10 seconds of waiting, or a page refresh, then it's likely due to the site not being supported on your current device. JazzAndRain.com is supported on Chrome, Safari, Firefox and Internet Explorer on most major devices and operating systems. If the jazz doesn't load for you, please send us an email and we'll take a look. We're only able to test the site on a few of the major devices so we apologize if the site doesn't work on your device.
Most of Jazz and rain's users use the site during work, at home and at school. Advertising on JazzAndRain.com allows you to reach out to highly engaging users accessing JazzAndRain.com through a variety of platforms, including desktop, mobile phones and tablets.
We'd love to hear from you. Got comments or suggestions on new songs? Let us know by using the form below or visiting our facebook page